Saturday 11 August 2007

I've got some issues at the moment. In a knutshell I know that the acrylic sheet will be on top with the tft matrix underneath it, in terms of assembling this thing. The problem is that in order to see the display, I need to have some form of light illuminating it from behind. This could be a problem as I also need the webcam (currently an "Orbit" Logitech one) located behind the whole lot and pointing at the screen. If I put the light source behind the camera, you see a silouette of the camera behind the tft matrix. If I put the lightsource infront of the camera then there's a danger that the camera won't be able to see the matrix.

Another problem is the size of the thing. I don't want it to be a big chunky affair but rather something that is fairly slim ( I'm not expecting miracles though). From other setups I've seen most people have used a mirror - ie. the projector and camera are pointing at a mirror which is showing the back of the acrylic sheet - in effect halving the distance that you would need to locate them normally in order to get the same dimensions used.

So these two issues combined are presenting me with a problem - how to light the display, have the camera able to see the entire screen area and detect the "blobs", as well as not making the thing look god damn awful in the looks department.


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